Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Last night I spent the night at Mikaelan's with Kristen! It was SO much fun!
Mikaelan, Anthony, Kristen, Ty, & I all went to the movies.. yes I was the 5th wheel.
We went to go see SHREK. Haha, I was in the mood for a good laugh, so I chose that! I actually watched the movie. And if something intense would happen I would gasp, but not on purpose!! I would actually be in shock! So everyone would laugh at me. Haa! Then we all went to Mik's house and as of what Ty would call it, a "Little After Party". Hehe. :)
It was super duper fun. And tomorrow all of us are going to the WaterPark! :) Gonna be really fun! And yes... I'm going to be the 5th wheel again.
Haha, I know. I needa boy.
I have literally done at least SOMETHING everyday so far this summer.
I have a feeling it's going to be the best summer by far!
........knock on wood.

1 comment:

mcniday14 said...

it willl be the best; FOR SUREEE. :)